Our Ministries

Women’s Fellowship
Women’s fellowship meetings are held on every first and third Sundays. The Women’s Fellowship members get together after the Church service. Bible Classes and intercessory prayers are conducted during the meetings.
Women’s fellowship are the backbone of many of the projects of the Church. They collect money and contribute them to the mission fields and others in need.
Women’s fellowship members find out the needy families within the Church and offer them financial aid.
The members also actively participate in various important dates of the Church.
The members also visit mission fields of the church and feel the struggles of the fields.

Youth Fellowship
The Church has a vibrant youth community who actively participates in church activities. They organise workshops on various topics related to their subjects and meet frequently to discuss Bible and other projects. Youth members contribute their time during important days of the church. Our youth members also conduct visits to the Mission fields which enable them to know more about the activities there.

Church Choir
The Church choir consists of around 30 members of different age groups. In the Anglican tradition, the Church Choir plays an important role in the worship services. They are the link between the Vicar and the congregation during worship services.
The choir do their practises immediately after the Church services every Sunday. They also conduct special practises in preparation of the Christmas Carol. The Choir has won various prizes in many competitions held at Delhi and surroundings.
A junior choir is being groomed at the practise sessions who matured into becoming a regular choir member in the future.

Sunday School
Sunday school classes are held on every Sunday from 11.00 am onwards at the Church. There are different divisions as per different age groups of the students.
The Church members find time to teach the word of God to the students.
The Sunday school kids are involved in various church activities. The kids bring “Good Samaritan” gifts during Christmas season to be distributed among the Vidya Kiran students.

Area Prayer Meetings
Weekly prayers are held on every Sunday at any one of the prayer group areas :
The Church is divided into three areas
Area Prayer group – 1 : Consisting of Mayur Vihar Phase - 1 area
Area Prayer group – 2 : Consisting of Mayur Vihar Phase – 3 area, Noida and Vasundara areas
Area Prayer group – 3 : Consisting of Dilshad Garden, Shalimar Garden, Sahibabad & Ghaziabad
There are prayer group leaders who co-ordinate prayer programs of each area.
Apart from this, special prayers are conducted during lent seasons, and convention seasons.

Bible Study
Bible study is held at church during the fasting prayer Saturdays (Second Saturday. Apart from this, bible studies are held for youth at Mr. OOmmen Thomas and Geney Thomas flat at Prayag apartments, Mayur Vihar phasae-1.
Our Women’s fellowship also conduct bible studies during their meetings on first and third Sundays.