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How to Reach Us?

Route Map & Contact

1.1 Directions & Contact details

Getting Here

There are multiple ways to get here depending on your mode of transportation.

by car / Bike : The church is approximate two kilo meters away from Akshardam temple towards Noida. Take the Delhi - Noida Main Road and take exit to Club Avenue Road. Reach the T point and take the left turn on Sadbahawana marg and you can see the church on your right.

Parking : Free parking is available. You can do the parking of your vehicle in front of the church at both the sides of the road. Please take appropriate pre-cautions by removing all valuable from the car locking the car properly. There will be a security guard posted at the gate to monitor wrong intruders.

By Metro : It�s a five minute walk Take the Blue line metro from Connaught Place or Noida and get down at Mayur Vihar Extension station. Exit at gate no. 3 towards Club Avenue road. Walk straight and at the T point take a left turn and on the opposite you can see the Church.

  • Address

    Sadbhawana Marg, Chilla Sarda Bangar,
    Chilla Sarda Bangar Village, Mayur Vihar,
    Opposite - Shekar Apartments
    New Delhi, Delhi 110091

    011 2271 7614
    Email id:

    Immanuel CNI Church - CSI Malayalam Congregation- Delhi

  • Contact No

    Rev. Shibu PL : Priest 9810 35 0202

    Jacob George : Secretary 9811 62 0366

    Benzon John : Jt. Secretary 8800 44 9518

    Kuruvila M Chacko : Treasurer 8826 20 7825

    Sunil George : Jt. Treasurer 9650 07 8687